US collapse
Thirty Years' War: Siege and Capture of Bautzen by the Elector of Saxony, John George I,(1585–1656)
Matthäus Merian (1593–1650)
Societal Collapse (also known as Civilizational Collapse) is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence. Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, war, pestilence, famine, population decline, and mass migration. A collapsed society may revert to a more primitive state, be absorbed into a stronger society, or completely disappear.
Virtually all civilizations have suffered such a fate, regardless of their size or complexity, but some of them later revived and transformed, such as China, India, and Egypt. However, others never recovered, such as the Western and Eastern Roman Empires, the Mayan civilization, and the Easter Island civilization. Societal collapse is generally quick but rarely abrupt. However, some cases involve not a collapse but only a gradual fading away, such as the British Empire since 1918.
in “Societal collapse”. Wikipedia. Page was last edited on 25 December 2021, at 19:00 (UTC). See here.
The Year the US achieves
Collapse Phase Lock
By Dmitry Orlov on Club Orlov on December 21, 2021 at 08:35. See here.
I have been studying the forthcoming collapse of the USA for 25 years and publishing books and articles on this subject for the last 15, with good results: CCCP 2.0 is developing quite nicely. The 30-year reprieve which the US was granted thanks to the collapse of the USSR has now expired, every effort at imperial expansion since then (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and the "suicide belt" of Eastern Europe) has been a total failure. Meanwhile a reborn Russia, backed by much of the rest of Eurasia, is now turning the tables and ordering the US around in perfectly undiplomatic terms. And now this: Barbara Water of UC San Diego recently appeared on CNN to explain that the US is now in a zone of high risk for political violence and civil war.
And what this means is that the US has finally achieved Total Collapse Preparedness. Let us look into the details of this.
Barbara has studied political instability for 30 years, most recently as part of a CIA task force (which has granted her access to datasets such as the “Polity” dataset, which the rest of us only sometimes get to hear about). Her appraisal is not based on some impressionistic sense of animal spirits but on specific metrics refined by applying them to politically unstable countries around the world. And according to her, the US is now at a high risk of civil war, political instability and political violence. It is now, she says borrowing a phrase from Fareed Zakaria, an “illiberal democracy.” Another term she uses is “anocracy,” which can be defined as a form of government that is part democracy and part dictatorship, or as a regime that mixes democratic with autocratic features. “We are closer to civil war than any of us would like to believe,” states Barbara in no uncertain terms.
In my work I have divided collapse into five distinct stages or phases, which can fully or partially overlap, occur out of synch or even get ahead of the others based on local circumstances. They are: financial, commercial, political, social and cultural. This taxonomy offers a good way to make sense of the whole huge mess and to gauge progress.
- In the case of the US, financial collapse is developing nicely; nobody knows which particular straw of government debt will break the camel’s back, but we can be sure that this moment will come. We also know what will happen after that: loss of access to imported products and resources, economic shutdown and political dissolution.
- Commercial collapse is also coming right along. The trend was to replace a diversity of local commerce with one or a few big box stores (in the end, usually just a Walmart) which suck all the wealth out of the local community and ship it to East Asia, after which point the Walmart shuts down, leaving a vacant shell and an empty parking lot. What is left (for those who still have some money left) is online commerce, but then it turns out that a lot of the items are on backorder or simply not available.
- Social and cultural collapse, in the context of the US, are a special case. Most of the socializing has been subsumed by social media (mediated, that is, by privately owned companies). These social media companies profit by selling data on their users, and once those data become worthless (because the users are broke) the artificially constituted society dissolves. Similarly, culture has been reduced to a set of commercial cultural services, and once the commerce is gone, so is the culture. The final result is a population of mental inadequates who are stuck among strangers and can’t properly communicate or make common cause with anyone but are heavily armed (with lots of mostly Russian—made ammunition—in spite of trade sanctions!).
- And now political collapse is pulling up alongside. According to Barbara, one of the telltale signs of looming political instability is the rise of ethnic entrepreneurship. In the US, examples include BLM, Antifa, Qanon and the Proud Boys. LGBTQ+, though not exactly ethnic, qualifies as a politically divisive force; on the other side of the expanding political no man’s land, mined and strafed by bullets, they are referred to as Sodomites, and that, in case you are sketchy on your Bible, is not a term of endearment. Various other “dens of iniquity,” be they West Coast Devil-worshipers or East Coast elite pedophile rings, are in the same category, and seem likely to get their own dose of fire and brimstone.
As we head into 2022, the US stands poised to achieve Total Collapse Preparedness. The financial markets are rigged to perfection and ready to blow; commerce has entered logistical failure mode; society has been reduced to a set of social media silos; culture is an ephemeral commercial product; and now the political realm is ready to embrace the principle of one bullet—one vote.
It is no surprise, then, that the Russians, fully backed by the Chinese, are making their list of non-negotiable demands and checking it twice: get your nukes back on your own territory; stop sailing or flying anywhere close to Russia; get your weapons and your troops out of the East European “suicide belt”; and make sure there’s someone sitting by the phone 24/7 in case we have more instructions. The Russians are probably looking at that same CIA dataset Barbara has been studying and seeing the same thing: US collapse is finally here. This is not a drill! Hence the rush to get the paperwork signed before the shooting starts. They really want to get all of the security arrangements squared away before celebrating the New Year and then go and enjoy their winter vacation in peace and tranquility.
FILE PHOTO. © Getty Images / Spencer Platt/
We Americans
are now in a cold civil war
Despite Joe Biden’s promise of unity during his 2020 US presidential campaign, his administration has failed to unify the people. On the contrary, his divisive rhetoric means Americans are more polarized than ever.
An RT Op-ed by Memoree Joelle at RT on January 4, 2022 at 19:32 • See here.
Memoree Joelle is a writer and constitutional conservative living in Los Angeles.
I would argue that America has already fallen into what might be termed a ‘cold civil war’, following the 2020 election. “We the People” just do not see eye-to-eye on several significant issues, and it doesn’t help that many of those were thrown at us all at once, beginning with Covid-19. Since the first lockdown that pummeled our economy, Americans have been at fierce odds with each other over almost everything – especially if it’s Covid related.
We vehemently disagree over vaccines, vaccine cards, mandates, and masks. And President Biden isn’t exactly trying to douse the flames with his divisive language. In February of last year, he demanded Covid vaccine compliance for all federal workers. Then in September, he shocked America with his comment that his “patience is wearing thin” with the millions of Americans who didn’t want the shots. This was a bizarre statement coming from a US president, especially since Americans, including those who chose not to be vaccinated, are the people he works for.
Then in late December, echoing his “dark winter” remarks from the 2020 debates, he addressed the American people in two separate categories – the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated. “We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm,” he said.
Attempting to coerce a population by using fear and intimidation is not behavior typical of an American president. Those who voted for him may not see it; and those who did not vote for him undoubtedly feel even more disenfranchised.
Yet while the Biden administration remains laser-focused on all things Covid, the leading cause of death in the US for those between the ages of 18-45 is fentanyl overdose. The drug is flowing into the country as a result of the crisis at our southern border, which has been disastrous for both America and Mexico, and highly profitable for drug cartels and human traffickers. This is a grim fact we can’t ignore, and sets the backdrop for the insecurity and chaos hurting our communities.
At the same time, our country is being battered with back-to-back crises, including record-high crime in our major cities, and the never-ending pandemic Biden can’t ‘shut down’ after all, with Americans simultaneously being forced into poverty. Hit with hyperinflation not seen since the era of Jimmy Carter, America’s middle and lower classes are struggling. Gas prices are soaring, food is more expensive, and now we have a housing market where only the wealthy can afford to buy single-family homes. With a ‘have and have not’ economy, it’s only to be expected that citizens will grow restless.
Still, all of this, while enough to make an already frustrated population become increasingly agitated, fearful, and angry, is only the surface of what deeply divides us. Just under that surface are two camps of political ideology that have always been at war, but now the heat has been dialed up to 11. Half the country, let’s not forget, voted for Donald Trump. Many of those believe he won. To add fuel to that fire, we had the unfortunate January 6 event at the Capitol that the left still insists was an “insurrection,” and the other side feels was a mass protest gone wrong.
We are divided over Critical Race Theory and the incessant pushing of race war by an often deceptive, shameless media. Many Americans no longer trust the media anyway, and therefore have no reliable source of information. How could we possibly understand each other under these conditions? Unity seems like a distant 2019 dream.
But our right vs. left feud is not simply about politics and a failing economy, or who did or didn’t get a vaccine. It’s not about race or gender, either. If that was all, we’d actually be okay. But we have a greater hurdle in front of us. At the root of our civil discord are our opposing beliefs about our fundamental rights and bodily autonomy, how we should raise and teach our children, and the place of God and religion in our institutions and in our culture. There are those of us who want to keep the same country that was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and those who want a secular America.
A second civil war is not likely. But physical battle isn’t always worse than having a country so ideologically opposed that we can’t stand to live together. We aren’t one nation, but two, forced by circumstance to share land and resources. Those are certainly not the ingredients that make a nation great. We need some fabric to hold us together, so that we can at least unite over a shared history, and hope for a future. Americans simply don’t have that right now.
What Americans have instead is class warfare being agitated by a few elites at the top, including some traitorous American politicians and billionaires. These people relish in taking advantage of our strife, and they know very well about all of the conflicts I mentioned above. They encourage the conflict, because they know it weakens us.
What all elites and globalists have always wanted is global economic domination by way of global communism. The New World Order isn’t being hidden anymore. It’s being spoken about quite openly. The United States is absolutely the one country that can stand in their way. And that is exactly why we DO have hope as a country. It will take some time and a lot of hard work – but there’s a way back home.
America’s founding fathers gifted us with the Constitution. All we have to do to save our country and our freedom is defend it. Regardless of political party, race, creed, religion, or class, We the People are ALL protected by our Constitution. It is the one thing we share that, if conserved as is, will keep us free. That’s because that document tells us and the world that we do not get our rights from the government, but from God. It keeps big government off our necks – and when the government is off our necks, we won’t be at each other’s throats.
I’m reminded of the 1990s sci-fi movie ‘Independence Day’ with Will Smith, where all of humanity is forced to come together from around the globe to fight off an invasion of enslaving aliens. In the film, everyone must learn to communicate in order to defend their very right to exist. They united to fight back against their own annihilation. We should do the same, while we can.
Even if we vehemently disagree on politics, masks, vaccines, immigration protocols, guns, the environment, and more, we need to fight for our right to exist as a nation. If we continue to allow the ruling class the unprecedented authority they have recently acquired under the cloak of Covid, they will use any excuse to control every aspect of our lives, and our freedom will be eroded in the same way one goes broke – gradually, then all at once.
That’s the real war being waged right now, and it’s long past time we all wake up and see it, whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat or neither. We can go back to arguing about politics and masks after we regain power for the people. But right now, we have to fight those who would love to see us self-destruct. So let’s begin 2022 with these wise words and share them widely.
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
This is what Americans must do to preserve our independence. Civil war will have to wait.
The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Note: This article has readers' comments.
Here's Cause Of Miami Condo Collapse Champlain Condo Towers, Surfside
In this video, your host Jeff Ostroff reconstructs a precise timeline of events in the hours leading up to the Miami Condo collapse and examines the evidence to offer you our root cause and failure analysis to determine how the Champlain Towers South Condo building collapsed on Jun 24, 2021.