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Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

Trust me, I’m “The Democracy” !!!

02.02.25 | De Situ Orbis

Little Britain – Head of the Snake or a Hapless Lackey?

Little Britain – Head of the Snake or a Hapless Lackey? / Hua Bin


In the last 3 years since the Russia special military operation started in Ukraine, little Britain seems to have a new lease on life in European politics and military posture.

It has taken an extremely hawkish stance against Russia – Boris Johnson personally sabotaged the April 2022 peace negotiation between Russia and Ukraine; it has provided the most arms aid to Ukraine of all European countries; it is the first to approve long-range strike into Russia territory; it actively talks about sending troops into the conflict.

What is going on? What is behind the belligerence of a smallish country that cannot back up its tough words with hard power?

Russia can easily wipe little Britain off the map. Why is it seemingly desperate to prod Russia to do exactly that?

A look at the country seems to indicate there can be no rational basis for such reckless agitation:

…  …  …

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