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Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

The American Napoleon Complex

Dmitry Orlov • C l u b O r l o v • September 15, 2023 at 11:39

24.09.23 | Álvaro Aragão Athayde

We will win! The eagle will be triumphant! We will


Original, in English, here.
Tradução, para português, aqui.


The psychiatric profession prefers to ignore the possibility of mass insanity and to focus on individual disorders in spite of a mass of historical evidence of societies and entire nations being gripped by mental disorders of one sort of another. Be that as it may; the Napoleon Complex, so named after Napoleon Bonaparte, who was much too short for a national leader of his time and also incredibly nasty and quite full of himself to compensate, is not a recognized medical diagnosis in any case.

It is a certain mental condition or set of character traits that affects men of low physical stature, causing them to be overly aggressive and self-assertive, to wear platform shoes in order to look just a bit taller and to chafe at being called "short stuff," "little man," "knee-biter," and other such belittling epithets.

Here is a fairly generic psychologist's description of the Napoleon Complex:
