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Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

Is The West Headed For A Planned Cataclysm?

Mark Wauck • Meaning In History • March 15, 2024

15.03.24 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

Europe 1916 : Boardman Robinson.

Europe 1916 / Boardman Robinson
Cartoon shows Death riding an emaciated donkey and leading it toward a precipice by dangling a carrot, "victory," from a stick.


It’s clear enough that the collective West is headed for a real bruising. Over the past few days I’ve seen a number of articles that suggest that the Globalist ruling class has been planning a cataclysm with the aim of asserting total control on a global scale. This isn’t necessarily a new idea. There are quite a few people who argue that this is exactly what Covid was intended to trigger. It’s a vast topic, so I’ll confine my remarks here to these most recent article.

The first article appeared as a guest essay at Larry Johnson’s blog. The idea behind the article is precisely in line with what we just suggested—that the otherwise inexplicable economic related actions of the ruling class in Europe are intended to precipitate a severe crisis and crush the subject population—while claiming that only a centralization of societal control can save Europe. We can certainly see signs of this in France and Poland, where the attempt to foment a crisis seems to be part of the plan.

But there appears to be increasing pushback across Europe—not least in France and Poland. In Germany there’s a strong rise of the “right” party AfD. The Italian government has stated that France and Poland don’t speak for Europe. Politics in the UK are in a muddle, but a counter cultural measure took me by surprise—the use of puberty blockers on children has been halted. Since the transgressionist model of trans-humanism—including what amounts to an abolition of women—is a key part of the Globalist push, that must be seen as significant. The same goes for the overwhelming rejection by Irish voters of a measure that would have redefined not only marriage but women. In Portugal, too, after years of supine acceptance, voters have reacted strongly against the directives coming from the EU.

In that context, here’s an excerpt from the intro to the essay I referenced above:

European Union Economy.jpg


It has puzzled many how the EU has been managing its economy since the beginning of the Ukraine war. There have been two distinct shocks inflicted upon the Eurozone economy since then. The third shock, which may be the worst, is on the way. All of them are direct results of European policies.

The first shock was the increase in energy prices (and availability) resulting from the sanctions on Russia. ...

The second shock is the obvious and all-out regulatory and bureaucratic attack from Brussels on European companies and entire sectors of the Eurozone economies. ...

It is baffling to any rational person why the EU has chosen to add to the effect of the sanctions by engineering a further destruction of European economies. Before addressing this apparent lunacy, let’s look into the future and check out shock number three which will most likely hit Europe (and the entire West) sometime in the next few years.

The third shock will be the “externally forced” devaluation of the euro and a massive drop in European living standards. …

I have my doubts about the third shock, whether that’s what is intended. However, the author’s argument is that the goal of the Globalist EU cabal is to force the rest of the world to do business with Europe on Europe’s climatist terms. Pay attention to the word “powerful”:

the EU believes that it is so powerful that it can dictate these standards to the world, and that they will, as a consequence, be adopted globally – and eventually in full. This also means that the EU is preparing to “isolate” those who don’t comply – forcing them to comply like it is forcing European companies to comply. The existence of the BRICS doesn’t enter into the equation, or the possibility of European isolation.

That paragraph gives the delusional nature of the game away. But this is the goal, and it has its adherents here in the US, as well. It has to do with the exercise of power.

…   …   …   …   …   …   

     Read the full article and readers' comments here.







The Strange Death of Europe


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