Gog, Magog and Alexander’s Wall
Gog, Magog e a Muralha de Alexandre
Fortress of Derbent, from the north-east
Legend has it that Alexander built a Great Wall to prevent Gog and Magog from causing havoc in the Fertile Crescent… and although it is now doubted that the Wall was built by Alexander, the truth is that its remains are still there.
How then can it be explained that Gog and Magog are currently wreaking havoc in the Fertile Crescent?
Quite simply, Gog and Magog bypassed Alexander’s Wall using the West.
Dhu al-Qarnayn building a wall with the help of jinn to keep away Gog and Magog.
Reza a lenda que Alexandre construiu uma grande muralha para evitar que Gogue e Magogue causassem estragos no Crescente Fértil… e embora actualmente se duvide que o muro tenha sido construído por Alexandre, a verdade é que os seus restos ainda lá estão.
Como se pode então explicar que Gogue e Magogue estejam presentemente a causar o caos no Crescente Fértil?
Muito simplesmente, Gog e Magog contornaram a Muralha de Alexandre utilizando o Ocidente.
Mapa mostrando a área do Crescente Fértil