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Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

U.S. COVID-19 Deaths

08.12.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

COVID-19 reminds us that nursing homes should never be the first option

COVID-19 reminds us that nursing homes should never be the first option
Michael Bullis | The Baltimore Sun | Apr 27, 2020


Briard's presentation at Johns Hopkins University

Pat Lang | Sic Semper Tyrannis | December 07, 2020 at 18:09 
Colonel W. Patrick Lang is a retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces (The Green Berets). He served in the Department of Defense both as a serving officer and then as a member of the Defense Senior Executive Service for many years.


One of our correspondents was kind enough to send me what he says is an unmodified video of Professor Briard's presentation on COVID-19 deaths.


U.S. COVID-19 Deaths: Briard's presentation at Johns Hopkins University


Original and comments here.





Russian Federation SITREP - 2020.12.03

06.12.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

Official drawing of Standard of the President of the Russian Federation.


By Patrick Armstrong at Sic Semper Tyrannis on December 03, 2020 at at 02:25 PM

RUSSIA AND COVID-19. I wonder whether Xi suspected at first (at first) that COVID might (might) have been a biowar attack and communicated that possibility to Putin. (There are probably people in Beijing who think the US used biowar in Korea.) I think they quickly decided that it wasn't but the possibility was put into their minds. (Remember the so-called Thucydides Trap?) I thought this up as an explanation of why, as far as I know, only Russia and China have built new permanent isolation hospitals. Just in case. Any way, four new ones just opened in Russia with another one coming later this month. Putin announced the beginning of large-scale vaccinations yesterday, key workers have the priority. Shoygu announced a vaccination program for the military.

KARABAKH. The ceasefire is holding, refugees are returning. “It is worth noting that international actors [he means Western ones, of course] have been completely sidelined from mediation…” Well, what do they bring to the table and who would trust them? The world is changing.

PUTIN. On his last legs again. Again.

SPACE STATION. An Energia executive says that the ISS is breaking down and suggests it has only about five years left. Meanwhile Beijing says China will start to build its own orbital station in 2021. (A Chinese probe just landed on the Moon.) Do I see a joint venture coming?

NAVAL INCIDENT. Peter the Great Bay is near Vladivostok and Russia claims the straight line from cape to cape; the US does not recognise that. A US warship on a “freedom of the seas” trip entered it and was chased off. Not that the USN would ever bow to foreign intimidation; (entertaining read that: the facts are that the US ship entered, the Russian ship told it to leave, it did – but nobody made it leave!!!) The Russian and Chinese navies should do a FONOP in the Gulf of Mexico. But that would be a silly and dangerous provocation without any real point, wouldn't it?

ARCTIC. Rosneft announces that the Zvezda shipyard in Primorskiy Region has begun constructing the first of 15 icebreaker LNG carriers of the Arc7 class for its Arctic LNG 2project. There is already a fleet of South Korean-built icebreaker LNG ships operating in Yamal. The Arctic is a Russian lake.

SHARON TENNISON. Interview with her here: worth your time. She's been tirelessly working to improve American-Russian relations for three decades: ordinary people, face-to-face. Probably the greatest thing she has achieved is that Putin – whom she met way back then – certainly knows what she is doing and I’m sure that he feels he has had enough of Americans, he thinks of her and tries again.

NATO is again concerned by how close to its bases Russia puts its country.

NAVALNIY. More confusion and contradictions revealed in the German story.

SKRIPALMANIA. Yulia phoned home, on a burner it seems; living apart, she's OK, dad has a tracheostomy tube; dad never wrote to Putin asking to come back and did not give interviews to Urban.

WESTERN VALUES™. The country that judges other countries’ elections just had an election. Somebody won. One day a court will tell us who. Lots of evidence of fraud: here, here, here and here. And who would contract out their elections to machines that can be hacked by anyone? (Note the date and source of the video – three years later, in CNN-land, the machines have become 100% solid.)

AMERICA-HYSTERICA. Bubbles continue to burst. Too late, of course – the damage has been done. The only way to get to the truth is to sue. Gee maybe Moscow didn't fund the Brexit campaign as we told you. Carter Page is suing Comey and others. Now that Flynn is pardoned maybe he’ll sue too.

OPEN SKIES. The USA has formally left it. The irony is that it was Eisenhower's idea.

PUTIN DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. A revealing ad for a Russian correspondent for the NYT – in essence, ya gotta believe all the anti-Russian propaganda or we won’t hire you. But what I don’t get is why pay the housing and transportation costs? They can make up this stuff more easily from home. BELARUS inches towards a solution: Lukashenka just said he will not be President under the new constitution which is expected to appear in 2021.

UKRAINE. Ukrainian historians continue their work: Joe Biden is the descendent of a Ukrainian noble and “culinary deceptions” are the newest Russian “hybrid warfare”. Meanwhile, in the real world, Ukrainians are getting out when they can. The seventh anniversary of Maidan – war, poverty, industrial decline, population fleeing, birthrate collapsing, a comedian in powerless power, the oligarchs looting what little is left, nonsense enshrined. And let’s not even think about this.

© Patrick Armstrong Analysis, Canada Russia Observer


Original and comments here.





Let's Make War on China

05.12.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

The East India Company iron steam ship 'Nemesis', commanded by Lieutenant W. H. Hall, with boats from the Sulphur, Calliope, Larne and Starling, destroying the Chinese war junks in Anson's Bay, on 7 January 1841.

British iron steamer Nemesis attacks Chinese ships during the second Battle of Chuanbi.
Painting by E. Duncan, dated May 30, 1843. ©National Maritime Museum


Send gunboats to China to shake up REPARATIONS for unleashing Covid-19 ‘weapon’ on the world, award-winning British journo says

The Levant | December 04, 2020 
RT News | December 04, 2020 at 11:36

Beijing should pay the world ‘reparations’ for the economic damage caused by Covid-19 and, if necessary, it can be forced militarily to do so, said conservative British political commentator Douglas Murray without a hint of irony.

Murray, an author best known for his critiques of Islam and woke culture, has outlined his case for making China pay for the pandemic in a Thursday piece in the Spectator, the influential weekly with strong ties to the Conservative Party. The rallying call was unleashed in response to news that the Chinese economy is expected to grow in 2020 despite the global slowdown caused by the coronavirus.

“I resent the prospect of China walking away from 2020 spinning headlines about the positive economic message its economic boom sends to the rest of the world,” Murray explained.

[   …   …   …   ]

This metric varies dramatically among Western nations. The US and the UK have some of the worst death tolls, which is measured in hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands respectively. Australia and New Zealand, who happen to be part of Five Eyes, came through relatively unscathed, having just over 900 and only 25 Covid-19 fatalities on their respective records.


The Levant original, with no comments, here.
RT News original, with comments here.


RT News’ best comment at this moment

They can send the Royal Navy if they want, which i think is currently about 10 active ships, give or take. Rebuilding those would be a job program post Covid.
I like the Tweet about the (old) Summer Palace (Yuanming Yuan). It was said the most beautiful Palace in all of China before it was burned down by the Brits. Most Brits don't know, but the Chinese do.
Not that far from the ruins of that marvel is another small palace or temple which name i have forgotten, it has a plaque informing its visitors about it's history. Apparently when the Brits arrived there to burn that one down too, a Russian General and its men send them packing, hence the thing is still standing. Stuff like that isn't lost on the Chinese.
As an edit, stuff like that isn't lost on foreign visitors either. The French did some burning in that palace too. It had a wooden archway around the lake which was burnt down by the French. When i visited their, a had a very loud group of French infront of me which of course refused to speak anything but French going awfully quiet all of a sudden when they passed the commemorative plaque. (Edited)

See here the original of this comment.





Índice do Blogue: Outubro e Novembro de 2020

04.12.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

Primeiro de Dezembro

01.12.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

Bandeira de Guerra de Portugal (1640–1667).

Bandeira de Guerra de Portugal (1640–1667).



No dia 1 de Dezembro de 1640 foi deposto Filipe de Áustria, terceiro rei do seu nome em Portugal,

Filipe de Áustria, terceiro rei do seu nome em Portugal.

Filipe de Áustria, terceiro rei do seu nome em Portugal (1621–1640).


detida a vice-rainha, Margarida de Saboia, Duquesa de Mântua, sua prima direita,

Margarida de Saboia, Duquesa de Mântua, vice-rainha de Portugal (1634 – 1640).

Margarida de Saboia, Duquesa de Mântua, vice-rainha de Portugal (1634–1640).


e aclamado João de Bragança, quarto rei do seu nome em Portugal.

João de Bragança, quarto rei do seu nome em Portugal.

João de Bragança, quarto rei do seu nome em Portugal (1640–1656).




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