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Geopolítica e Política

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Geopolítica e Política

Lusa - Lusística - Mundial

The US political system destruction

11.11.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

The US political system destruction

FILE PHOTO © Global Look Press / Jim West


The US political system is the last thing holding the country together; the 2020 election is about to destroy it.


RT on November 06, 2020 at 22:36 

Nebojsa Malic is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Twitter @NebojsaMalic


Having changed drastically since its founding, America’s continued existence rests on the system of government created by its Constitution. If that is sacrificed on the altar of power, there will be no country left.

The US is obviously a drastically different place in 2020 than it was in 1776, when thirteen colonies declared their independence from the British crown. Yet for all the dramatic changes in the shape and size of the country, the number and diversity of people living in it, or the technology they have at their disposal, it is still “America” because it maintains continuity of the political system set up in 1789.

Joe Biden, who is about to declare himself president-elect, has himself made a reference to this, calling “democracy” in the US a “system of governance that’s been the envy of the world” for over 240 years. So it’s a supreme irony that his election may well be the wrecking ball that demolishes the last vestiges of what’s holding the country together.

[   …   …   …   ]

Experience has shown that “mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed,” America’s founders wrote in 1776 – in the very document seeking to explain why they chose otherwise.

Right now, with identity politics and partisanship running rampant, what’s holding the US together is that enough people still believe in the system and think that the political contest is fair and can be appealed in the next election cycle. What happens when enough people, of whatever political persuasion, decide that is no longer the case?

Then again, what do I know? Only that my country of birth was held together by a cult of personality and a political system, only to collapse in a bloody civil war when both of those caved in and people who cared only about power decided the rules didn’t matter anymore.


The full article and comments here.




A Escrava de Córdova

09.11.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

Campanhas e conquistas de Almançor (c. 938 – 1002.08.09)

Campanhas e conquistas de Almançor (c. 938 — 9 de Agosto de 1002).


A Escrava de Córdova
Alberto S. Santos
prefácio de
José Rodrigues dos Santos



A acção decorre entre

  • 976
    data dos nascimentos de Ouroana em Entre-os-Rios (Douro e Tâmega), Anégia, Condado de Portugal, e de Abdus em Córdova, capital do Al-Andalus, 

  • 1002
    data do nascimento da filha de ambos em Entre-os-Rios (Douro e Tâmega), Anégia, Condado de Portugal, 

e o romance pode ser lido como uma metáfora do Nascimento da Alma de Portugal.


Ouroana era filha de Múnio Viegas de Riba-Douro, o Gasco, e de Valida Trutesendes, filha de Trutesendo Guedes, fundador do Mosteiro de Paço de Sousa.


Abdus era filho de ‘Isà ibn Sa’id al-Yahsubi al-ahass, secretário, de Muhammad Ibn Abi Amir, também conhecido por Abiamir, ou por Almançor.


O ano de 976 foi também o do falecimento de do Califa de Córdova Al-Hakam II, da entronização do seu filho, então com dez anos, Al-Hisham II e da tomada do poder por Almançor.


O ano de 1002 foi também o da última campanha de Almançor e o do seu falecimento na Batalha (mítica ou real) de Calatañazor.


Vivilde, a sábia criada-parteira de Valida, personifica a Tradição Ofiúsica e Helénica. Rosendo Guterres, o santo Abade do Mosteiro de Celanova, Ourense, personifica a Tradição Cristã Hispânica, Ben Jacob, o alegre almocreve judeu, personifica a Tradição Sefardita, Ibn Darrâj al-Qastalli, o poeta sufi, personifica a Tradição Islâmica Hispânica, Ermígio, o guardião-viajante, personifica o Zé Povinho, também personificado por Álvaro, o Pedreiro, salteador, canteiro, escultor e mestre-de-obras.


A política de impiedade de Almançor foi fatal ao Al-Andalus. Atacando os Santuários dos Cristãos, uniu os Cristãos, substituindo-se ao Califa, desprestigiou o Califado.


Faleceu em 1002 e a guerra civil, a Fitna do al-Andalus começou sete anos depois, em 1009, e durou até 1031, data em que o Califado foi definitivamente abolido.


Seguiu-se, de 1031 a 1085, o Período das Primeiras Taifas, ou Reinos de partido, período durante o qual no Garb al-Andalus, no Ocidente das Hespanhas, se foram criando as condições que deram origem ao Reino de Portugal.


Mapa político da Península Ibérica em 1037, a verde as Taifas.

Mapa político da Península Ibérica em 1037, a verde as Taifas.




Córdova e a Medina Azara



Origem do texto.




O Pavão da Globalização

06.11.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

O Pavão da Globalização.jpg

Pormenor de Biombo Namban do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga


Os Descobrimentos portugueses desencadearam dinâmicas revolucionárias nas relações entre os povos. Sintomaticamente, os indianos falam de uma "Era Gâmica", por entenderem que a chegada de Vasco da Gama às suas praias correspondeu a um momento singular, gerador de mudanças profundas. Foi, de facto, o início da Globalização.

Numa primeira fase, os Portugueses, na sua aventura ultramarina, foram sobretudo transportadores. "São homens que trocam o que têm por o que não têm", terá sido uma das expressões por que um chinês apresentou aos japoneses os primeiros portugueses desembarcados em Tanegashima. Significa isto, que na sua diáspora os navegadores lusos não se limitaram a levar produtos europeus para certos locais e a regressar daí para o seu porto de origem. Pelo contrário, no seu movimento incessante entre vários continentes, puseram gentes, plantas, animais e saberes em circulação em todas as direcções. Foi assim que o coqueiro entrou no mundo atlântico.

País semi-isolado do mundo até ao aparecimento dos Portugueses, o Japão foi particularmente sensível às novidades que vinham a bordo dos navios daqueles homens estranhos, de olhos grandes e nariz comprido, que mostravam os seus sentimentos sem rebuço e que, a princípio, não sabiam comer com pauzinhos. Num dos biombos namban conservados no Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga sobressai um animal, desenhado na sua forma esplendorosa – um pavão está próximo dos portugueses de cauda aberta, mostrando suas penas coloridas. Como sempre, os artistas nipónicos notavam nestas obras de arte as novidades que mais os admiravam.

Esta ave de cauda magnífica, que causou naturalmente o espanto dos japoneses, chegou ao país do Sol Nascente por mão de europeus, mas não viera de tão longe quanto os seus transportadores, pois não pertencia à fauna europeia. O pavão fora embarcado na Índia, o seu país de origem e daí seguira viagem transportado pelos primeiros agentes da globalização.



  • O pavão da Globalização”. João Paulo Oliveira e Costa. Expresso. Publicado a 17 de Maio de 2010, às 14h48m.

  • Biombos Namban”. Anísio Franco. Canal do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga no YouTube. Publicado a 17 de Maio de 2020.



‘Cui bono’ from the situation in France?

02.11.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

‘Cui bono’ from the situation in France?.jpg


I won’t even bother repeating it all here, those who are interested in my views of this entire Charlie Hebdo canard can read my article “I am NOT Charlie”.

No, what I want to do is to ask a simple question: do you think the French leaders are simply stupid, suicidal or naive?  I submit that they neither stupid, nor suicidal nor naive.  In fact, they are using a well practiced technique which goes with some variation of this:

  • Infiltrate some pseudo-Islamic gang of cutthroats (literally!).
  • Keep them under close scrutiny ostensibly for counter-terrorism purposes.
  • Inside the group, try to promote your confidential informers.
  • Have your analysts work on the following question: “how could we best provoke these nutcases into a bloody terrorist act?“
  • Once the plan is decided, simply execute it, say by organizing the posting fantastically offensive caricatures.
  • Once the cutthroats strike, blame Islam and double down.
  • By then, you have infuriated most of the immense Muslim world out there and you can rest assured that the process is launched and will continue on its own. You can now relax and get the pop-corn.
  • Have your propaganda machine declare that Islam is incompatible with western civilization (whatever that means in 2020, both Descartes and Conchita Wurst I suppose…).
  • Shed some crocodile tears when the cutthroats murder some completely innocent Christian bystande.
  • And announce a new crusade against “Islamism” (also a vague and, frankly, meaningless term!) and crack down on true Muslim communities and ideas while continuing to lovingly arm, train, finance and direct the “good terrorists” who have now become your own, personal, cutthroats.


Cui bono?
To whom is it a benefit?


Anybody who knows anything about the political realities in France will immediately know in whose interests this all is and who is behind that: the Zionist power structure in France (CRIF, UEJF, etc. and the Israelis). They have a total control over Macron and over the entire political class, very much including Marine LePen.

Who else could have concocted the “beautiful” term “Islamo-Fascisme”?!

This is a new phenomenon, a new ideology and a new strategy, which Alain Soral calls “National Zionism” which I discussed in some details here.

In its inception (from Ahad Ha’am, Theodor Herzl, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, etc) Zionism used to be a largely secular and nationalistic, then, later, after WWII, it became very leftist and still secular ( Ben-Gurion, Shlomo Lavi, Golda Meir). Modern Zionism, however, is both rabidly racist and religious – the perfect example would be US Neocons. It is also a ruthless and genocidal ideology which has created something truly original: God-mandated racism, something which, as far as I know, no other religion professes (so much for the ignorant and, frankly, plain stupid notions of “Abrahamic religions” or, even worse, “Judeo-Christian values”!). National Zionism is the next phase of Zionism – it is rabidly “conservative” (in a Neocon sense only, of course!) and it parasitically feeds on whatever nationalist ideology the local patriotic goyim are inclined towards (the best example of that being the so-called “Christian Zionists” in the USA).

But here is the demonic “beauty” of it all: in a society like the French one, the Zionists don’t even need to micromanage their false flags: given enough uneducated and murderous pseudo-Muslim cutthroats and enough rabid Secularists wanted to offend the faithful – some kind of violent explosion will *inevitably* happen!

Right now, between the embarrassing Yellow Vests movement, the crumbling economy, the massive influx, wave after wave, of unwanted and un-adaptable immigrants and the resulting social tensions, the French regime is in deep trouble. Add to this the COVID pandemic which just added to the chaos and anger and finish with a total lack of foreign policy successes and you will immediately see why this regime badly needed what could be called a “patriotic reaction”.

Finally, there is the time-proven method of scaring your own population into a state of catatonic acceptance of everything and anything in the name of “security”.

We see it all in France today, we saw it in the UK before, and also in Belgium. And, rest assured, we will see much more such massacres in the future. The only way to really stop these “terrorist” attacks is to show their sponsors that we know who they are and we understand what they are doing. Short of this, these attacks will continue.

The Saker



Original text and comments here
Original image here.



How Is France’s Muslim Population Growing?

01.11.20 | Duarte Pacheco Pereira

How Fast Is France’s Muslim Population Growing?.

Percentage the newborns given Muslim first names over the past 50 years
Green refers to exclusively Muslim names, blue to names that are both Muslim and non-Muslim
(e.g. Sarah or Adam)


In the absence of official statistics, observers interested in the ethno-religious changes of France society must resort to creative methods. One such method is to use the French statistical agency’s (INSEE) annual database of first names given to newborns.

Using this data, the French identitarian news aggregator Fdesouche has charted the dramatic growth of newborns with Islamic first names from around 2.5% in 1969 to 21.5% in 2019. This figure is remarkably congruent with our other sources.

While Fdesouche has been using this method to give annual estimates since 2016, it came to broader attention in 2019 when the mainstream pollster Jérôme Fourquet used the same technique in his remarkable bestseller The French Archipelago: The Birth of a Divided and Multiple Nation. Fourquet had found that in 2015 some 18.5% of newborns were given Muslim first names.

Fourquet is no right-wing ideologue but a senior manager at the venerable Institute of French Public Opinion (IFOP), the nation’s leading polling and market research agency. Indeed, The French Archipelago goes far beyond ethnic issues, discussing dechristianization (the decline of “Marie”), the semi-Americanization of lower class French (the proliferation of “Kevins” and “Cindys” due to 1990s American soap operas), and wider trends of social fragmentation and heightened individualism.

Fourquet’s analysis resonated strongly with the public at a time when the French political landscape was breaking down – with the collapse of the conservatives and the Socialists in favor of Emmanuel Macron and marine Le Pen – and the rise of the yellow-vest protests contesting urban elites.

The figures for Muslim first names are not perfectly precise because of the problem of “mixed names” and the growing percentage of “rare names,” which are difficult to classify and which Muslims seem to have a predilection for. As such, the real percentage of Muslim newborns may actually be around 25%.

The figures are also broken down by département (county). As one would expect, Muslims are concentrated in Greater-Paris, making up an outright majority of Seine-Saint-Denis (54%).


[   …   …   …   ]


All this data testifies to the reality of an ongoing “Great Replacement” of the native French population, the native British population, and the White American population since the 1960s. For all that, if we consult on Wikipedia, we are told that the Great Replacement is “a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory which states that, with the complicity or cooperation of ‘replacist’ elites, the white French population—as well as white European population at large—is being progressively replaced with non-European peoples . . . Scholars have generally dismissed the claims of a ‘great replacement’ as being rooted in a misreading of immigration statistics and unscientific, racist views.”

Meanwhile, the Wikipedia article for the strange term “Whiteshift” claims that “Whiteshift, white racial shift, or sometimes called white decline is the demographic and social phenomenon of white majorities gradually declining to become a minority group, sometimes labelled majority minority, and increasingly of mixed race heritage, due to consensual intermarriage and natural demographic change in the Western world.”

How shameless and dishonest our media, political, and academic elites are on this most inconvenient topic: inconvenient to them and critical to the future of our nations.




Original and comments here.



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